Monday, February 22, 2010

I Wonder How Much Laundry the Average Team USA Dad Will Do?

via sociological images, which I LOOOVE.

Tide laundry detergent company wonders how much laundry the average TEAM USA mom will do. Those of us who are into gender equality think....

I Wonder How Much Laundry the Average Team USA dad Will Do?

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Opinuary Column

The Opinuary Column

Very, very funny. I've just discovered the "Jesus' General" blog and I love it!

Homosexualists Over The Wire

Homosexualists Over The Wire

Great, great!


Department of Book Reports: A Twisted Faith

Womanist Musings

Womanist Musings

I (still) hate racist, sexist PETA. Aretha Franklin as "bigfoot?" REALLY? PETA has a LONG history of this kind of stuff. PETA just loooves animals, but apparently they hate women.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Defying adversity, wherever we are: a guest column by Richard Campanella | Opinions - -

Defying adversity, wherever we are: a guest column by Richard Campanella Opinions - -

Cheering in Paris when the Saints won? Really? My mom told me a few years ago that in Paris, people were, as has often been reported, snobs to those who do not speak French but once Parisians realized she was from New Orleans, their attitude changed to friendly and welcoming. I guess, with our being a former French colony, they still kind of regard us as one of theirs.

Drew Brees as Bacchus

Economic Scene - Success of Stimulus Bill Is Noteworthy as Another Is Weighed -


Economic Scene - Success of Stimulus Bill Is Noteworthy as Another Is Weighed -

"Imagine if, one year ago, Congress had passed a stimulus bill that really worked.

Let’s say this bill had started spending money within a matter of weeks and had rapidly helped the economy. Let’s also imagine it was large enough to have had a huge impact on jobs — employing something like two million people who would otherwise be unemployed right now.
If that had happened, what would the economy look like today?

Well, it would look almost exactly as it does now. Because those nice descriptions of the stimulus that I just gave aren’t hypothetical. They are descriptions of the actual bill."

Emotional abuse is Heart and Soul Mutilation

Emotional abuse is Heart and Soul Mutilation

Wonderful article on emotional abuse.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Shaming and Blaming"

"Shaming and Blaming" via the "this ain't living blog." Really good! My big thing was that we were always told to "sit like a lady." This meant keeping one's knees together, of course, I would like to know why now, today, at a movie theater, my husband spreads his legs wide open and invades my space while I make myself smaller and smaller. I read some analysis that said the whole concept of space - where women are encouraged to take up as little as possible, while men take up as much as they want - is actually all about power.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sam Cooke and the Saints!

It's been a looong time coming!

Great Mardi Gras Indian stuff

Out of towners, I hope you enjoy!

great videos

What Have we Learned Today?

Today, we learned that not everyone is like my fellow sociological bloggers and me. Much-liked old friends from high school may not enjoy a discussion like the ones we have here on their facebook pages. Hmmm - should I put up a new label called "live and learn?"