Saturday, January 16, 2010

And a big fuck you to my depression

This song has always reminded me to enjoy being me - even if I'm not exactly everyone's cup of tea (oh, pardon me, even if I've drunk the Obama Kool-Aid - fucker). Yep, to be ME despite self-doubt, to let my little light shine, no matter what the haters, as my daughter would put it, say or do.

Friday, January 15, 2010

What Tami Said: Lady Antebellum and the glorification of the pre-Civil War South

I (heart) Tami. Just sayin'.

What Tami Said: Lady Antebellum and the glorification of the pre-Civil War South

I could, however, do without some of the generalizations about southern whites that show up in her comments section, but I've run into that A LOT, and that certainly isn't Tami's fault. She ALWAYS manages to make you think and to make a great point, but without stereotyping all whites - Southern or otherwise - either.